Full name:
This plugin goal has been deprecated:
Name | Type | Since | Description |
archive | MavenArchiveConfiguration | - | The archive configuration to use. |
buildDirectory | String | - | The directory for the generated JAR. Default value is: ${project.build.directory}. |
classifier | String | - | Classifier type of the bundle to be installed. For example,
"jdk14". Defaults to none which means this is the project's main
bundle. |
createDependencyReducedPom | boolean | - | If true, remove any inlined or embedded dependencies from the
resulting pom. |
dependencyReducedPomLocation | File | - | Where to put the dependency reduced pom. Note: setting a value for
this parameter with a directory other than ${basedir} will change
the value of ${basedir} for all executions that come after the
shade execution. This is often not what you want. This is
considered an open issue with this plugin. Default value is: ${basedir}/dependency-reduced-pom.xml. |
depth | int | - | Process up to some depth |
dumpClasspath | File | - | File where the BND class-path will be dumped User property is: dumpClasspath. |
dumpInstructions | File | - | File where the BND instructions will be dumped User property is: dumpInstructions. |
excludeDependencies | String | - | Comma separated list of artifactIds to exclude from the dependency
classpath passed to BND (use "true" to exclude everything) User property is: excludeDependencies. |
exportScr | boolean | - | When true, dump the generated SCR files |
finalName | String | - | Final name of the bundle (without classifier or extension) Default value is: ${project.build.finalName}. |
ignoreMissingArtifacts | boolean | - | Ignore missing artifacts that are not required by current project
but are required by the transitive dependencies. |
instructions | Map | - | The BND instructions for the bundle. Maven will expand property
macros in these values. If you want to use a BND macro, you must
double the dollar sign for the plugin to pass it to BND correctly.
For example: <_consumer-policy>$${range;[===,+)}</_consumer-policy> |
manifestLocation | File | - | Directory where the manifest will be written Default value is: ${project.build.outputDirectory}/META-INF. User property is: manifestLocation. |
niceManifest | boolean | - | Output a nicely formatted manifest that still respects the 72
character line limit. Default value is: false. User property is: niceManifest. |
noWarningProjectTypes | List | - | Project types which are not supported, but silently ignored. |
outputDirectory | File | - | The directory for the generated bundles. Default value is: ${project.build.outputDirectory}. |
packaging | String | - | Packaging type of the bundle to be installed. For example, "jar".
Defaults to none which means use the same packaging as the project. |
rebuildBundle | boolean | - | When true, generate the manifest by rebuilding the full bundle in
memory User property is: rebuildBundle. |
scrLocation | File | - | Directory where the SCR files will be written Default value is: ${project.build.outputDirectory}. |
supportIncrementalBuild | boolean | - | When true, manifest generation on incremental builds is supported
in IDEs like Eclipse. Please note that the underlying BND library
does not support incremental build, which means always the whole
manifest and SCR metadata is generated. User property is: supportIncrementalBuild. |
supportedProjectTypes | List | - | Project types which this plugin supports. |
unpackBundle | boolean | - | When true, unpack the bundle contents to the outputDirectory User property is: unpackBundle. |
wrapImportPackage | String | - | Import-Package to be used when wrapping dependencies. Default value is: *. User property is: wrapImportPackage. |