Apache Felix Dependency Manager - Migrating from earlier versions

Below is a guide to help you migrate from version 3. Whilst older versions obviously still exist, we don’t think people are still actively using them.

Migrating from version 3

DependencyManager 4.0 has some API changes that need to be taken into account when migrating from DependencyManager 3.

  • A dependency can no longer be shared accross components.

  • You no longer have to call setInstanceBound() when adding a dependency from within the init() method of a component. Therefore the setInstanceBound() method has been removed from all Dependency interfaces.

  • in the Dependency interface, the following method have been removed: isInstanceBound, invokeAdded, invokeRemoved, createCopy.

  • In the Component interface, the "Object Component.getService()" method has been replaced by the "<T>T getInstance()" method.

  • In the Component interface, the "void addStateListener(ComponentStateListener listener) method" has been replaced by the "add(ComponentStateListener listener)" method.

  • In the Component interface, the "start", "stop", "getDependencies" methods have been removed.

  • In the Component interface and in the DependencyManager class, the createTemporalServiceDependency() method is now taking a timeout parameter: createTemporalServiceDependency(long timeout).

  • The ComponentStateListener interface has changed: it is now providing a single "changed(Component c, ComponentState state)" method.

  • The DependencyManager 4 Shell commands are no longer available for framework specific shell implementations, and support the gogo shell only.

  • The TemporalServiceDependency interface has been removed.

  • The Annotations processor is not generating anymore the Import-Service/Export Service by default (no need to specify the "build-import-export-service=false" option in the annotations plugin if you don’t need to generate automatically the deprecated headers).

  • The Dependency Manager metatype annotations are now deprecated and it is encouraged to use standard bnd metatypes annotation instead. See org.apache.felix.dependencymanager.samples/src/org/apache/felix/dependencymanager/samples/dictionary/annot/DictionaryConfiguration.java for an example. You can also check http://www.aqute.biz/Bnd/MetaType for more information about the bnd metatypes annotations.

  • Dependency Manager is now fully built using bndtools, and there is no Maven annotation plugin anymore. However, the workaround is simply the use a "_plugin" option in the pom, and to declare a dependency inside the "plugin" configuration. Notice that in the R1 version, we are not pushing DM distribution to maven, so you have to do manually push the DM artifacts in your own nexus server. We’ll try to release DM artifacts to maven central in the next release (R2).

For example:

 <project ...>